Tayumanavar By Arunankapilan (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
It is easy to tame the rogue elephant. It is easy to tie the mouth of a bear. It is easy to mount the back of a lion. It is easy to charm poisonous snakes. It is easy to conquer the celestial and the noncelestial realms. It is easy to trek the worlds invisible. It is easy to command the angelic heavens. It is easy to retain youth eternally. It is easy to enter the body of others. It is easy to walk on water and sit in burning fire. It is easy to attain all of the siddhis (yogic powers). But to remain still is very, very difficult indeed- Tayumanavar (1706-1744), Tamil saint, mystic and poet
HT Hinduism Today Magazine. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2018, from https://www.hinduismtoday.com/blogs-news/hindu-press-international/daily-inspiration/16182.html