Sunday, January 22, 2012

My response to the teacher and students


It took me a while to compose my thoughts and respond to the kind note about my Sanskrit page, but this is how I responded:

Dear A-,

I was surprised - and delighted to get your email.

My website was formerly hosted by Yahoo! GeoCities, but when Yahoo! GeoCities ceased operations, I got a dedicated web site name and migrated to another web site host. However, it has been a long time since I last updated the site. I had actually forgotten about it until I received your email. Kudos to your student who found my website. She must have done a lot of digging online to find it.

India comprises 1/6th of the world's population. Its diaspora (the people who migrated outside of India) has made its presence felt in many countries around the world. Recently, I was surprised to learn that the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean is a woman of Indian origin. As you probably know, your Attorney General Kamala Harris has an Indian mother.

More importantly, India has exported its culture and thought to points eastward in Asia. You will see adaptations of Indian thought and culture in countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, Korea, and Indonesia. That is the takeaway that I would like your students to have.

In closing, I would like to thank you for presenting this course module and your students (especially the girl) for finding online resources on India and its languages.

Kind regards,
जूली मैत्र (this is my name written in Devanagari, the script used to write Sanskrit).

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